08 Dez 2020
Oldenburger Verband approves Weihegold's great-grandson Iggy Pop
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Oldenburger Verband approves Weihegold's great-grandson Iggy Pop
After Westphalia, the Oldenburger Verband has now also approved our beautiful stallion Iggy Pop. The son of the popular Asgard's Ibiza was bred by Christine Arns-Krogmann. He is the great-grandson of Isabell Werth's famous Grand Prix horse Weihegold OLD.
Iggy Pop came to the Reesink Horses stables as a foal. In March he received his approval in Westphalia. After the breeding season Iggy Pop went to Hengststation Hoffrogge where he was prepared for the inspection for the Oldenburger Verband. At Hoffrogge’s stud Beatrice Buchwald takes care of the training.
Isabell Werth’s Grand Prix horse Weihegold, third dam of Iggy Pop, is very well known to Beatrice Buchwald. When she was Isabell Werth’s stable jockey, she rode the top-mare up to the highest level. Beatrice and Weihegold won among others the Grand Prix’ at the CDI's in Oldenburg, Salzburg and Frankfurt.
The well-known German breeder Christine Arns-Krogmann paired her De Niro daughter Weihnira with the Desperado son Asgard's Ibiza. The result in 2017 was the elegant black Iggy Pop. Father Ibiza is popular in Germany because of his beautiful appearance and his super offspring. He produced already seventeen licensed sons. Weihnira herself comes from Weihegold's daughter Weihcine (s. Fürst Heinrich). Weihcine also brought Weigand, who was the first ‘Reservesieger’ at the Oldenburg stallion inspection.
Great-grandmother Weihegold OLD hardly needs introduction. Under Isabell Werth, the Don Schufro-daughter developed into an almost unbeatable Olympiad horse. At the Rio Olympic Games, the pair won the individual silver medal and team gold. Werth and Weihegold won the World Cup final three times and at the 2017 European Championships Werth won all the gold medals with the miracle mare.
Under Beatrice Buchwald three year old Iggy Pop is at the beginning of his sport career. We are confident he will follow in his great grandmothers footsteps.